PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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499 lines
* common functions used by our code
//declare namespace
this.Lazarus = this.Lazarus || {};
Lazarus.$ = function(id, doc){
doc = doc || document;
return doc.getElementById(id);
Lazarus.build = 473;
//some form types used in the database.
//version number for saved forms
//increment this when making major changes to the way form info is saved/restored
//and you want to allow for legacy code.
* return a browser window
Lazarus.getBrowser = function(){
var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
return wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
* return an installed extension
Lazarus.getExtension = function(extId){
var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
// Change extension-guid@example.org to the GUID of the extension whose version
// you want to retrieve, e.g. foxyproxy@eric.h.jung for FoxyProxy
return em.getItemForID(extId);
* return a human readable version string for lazarus
Lazarus.getVersionStr = function(){
var addon = Lazarus.getExtension(Lazarus.guid);
return addon.version;
* trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string
Lazarus.trim = function(str){
return str.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
* return true if value is in an array
* strings do a case insensitive search
Lazarus.inArray = function(val, arr){
if (typeof val == "string"){
val = val.toLowerCase();
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
var arrVal = (typeof arr[i] == "string") ? arr[i].toLowerCase() : arr[i];
if (val == arrVal){
return true;
return false;
* convert a (one dimentional) array of values onto a hash table
Lazarus.arrayToHashTable = function(arr){
var table = {};
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
table[arr[i]] = true;
return table;
* return TRUE if object is an array
Lazarus.isArray = function(obj){
return (typeof obj == "object" && typeof obj.length === 'number' && !obj.propertyIsEnumerable('length'));
* return a nicely formatted date-time
* default format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
Lazarus.formatDate = function(date, justDate){
var y = Lazarus.pad(date.getFullYear(), 4);
var m = Lazarus.pad(date.getMonth()+1, 2);
var d = Lazarus.pad(date.getDate(), 2);
var h = Lazarus.pad(date.getHours(), 2);
var n = Lazarus.pad(date.getMinutes(), 2);
var s = Lazarus.pad(date.getSeconds(), 2);
return (justDate) ? (y +"-"+ m +"-"+ d) : (y +"-"+ m +"-"+ d +" "+ h +":"+ n +":"+ s);
* return a string form at of the number with commas
Lazarus.formatNumber = function(num){
var str = num.toString();
//split into integer and decimal places
var s = str.split(".");
var sInt = s[0];
var sDec = s[1] ? ("."+ s[1]) : '';
var m;
//add a comma between every 3 digits
while(m = sInt.match(/(\d+)(\d{3})/)){
sInt = m[1] +","+ m[2];
//and re-attach any decimals
return sInt + sDec;
* pad a number to the appropriate length
Lazarus.pad = function(num, minLen, padChar){
padChar = padChar || "0"
var s = num.toString();
while (s.length < minLen){
s = "0"+ s;
return s;
* converts a URL string to a URI that is used in many firefox functions
Lazarus.urlToURI = function(url){
try {
var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService).newURI(url, null, null);
//how screwed is this? if I try to access uri.host and the url doesn't have one (eg aim:bob) then an error is thrown!
var safeURI = {}
for(var key in uri){
safeURI[key] = '';
try {
safeURI[key] = uri[key];
return safeURI;
return null;
* helper when calculating window size
Lazarus.showWindowSizeHelper = function(){
if (Lazarus.getBrowser().Lazarus.getExtPref("debugMode") >= 4){
window.addEventListener("resize", function(){
document.origTitle = document.origTitle || document.title;
document.title = document.origTitle +": "+ window.outerWidth +" x "+ window.outerHeight;
}, false);
* logging levels
Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_NONE = 0;
* return TRUE if obj is an error
Lazarus.isError = function(obj){
//doesn't always work
//return (obj instanceof Error);
return (obj && obj.stack && obj.message);
* logs a message to the error console
Lazarus.logErrorMessage = function(args, type){
var msg = "Lazarus: ";
if (Lazarus.isError(args[0])){
msg += args[0].message +"\n";
for (var i=1; i<args.length; i++){
msg += args[i] +"\n";
else {
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++){
msg += args[i] +"\n";
var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
if (type == Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_MESSAGE){
else {
var scriptError = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptError);
var flag = (type == Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_WARNING) ? scriptError.warningFlag : scriptError.errorFlag;
if (Lazarus.isError(args[0])){
scriptError.init(msg, args[0].fileName, null, args[0].lineNumber, null, flag, "component javascript");
else {
scriptError.init(msg, null, null, null, null, flag, "component javascript");
* log an error to the error console
* err can be an Error object or a string
Lazarus.error = function(){
if (Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.debugMode") >= Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR){
Lazarus.logErrorMessage(arguments, Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR);
* logs a warning message to the error console
Lazarus.warning = function(){
if (Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.debugMode") >= Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_WARNING){
Lazarus.logErrorMessage(arguments, Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_WARNING);
* logs a message to the error console
Lazarus.debug = function(){
if (Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.debugMode") >= Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_MESSAGE){
Lazarus.logErrorMessage(arguments, Lazarus.DEBUG_TYPE_MESSAGE);
* dump an object and all it's properties to the error console
Lazarus.dump = function(obj){
var msg = ''
for(var prop in obj){
msg += prop +"=";
try {
msg += obj[prop]
msg += "?"
msg += "["+ typeof(obj[prop]) +"]\n";
* preference code (logging requires prefs)
Lazarus.Pref = Lazarus.Pref || {};
* "listens" for changes to the given preference and fires the given function when the preference changes
* ref: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Code_snippets:Preferences#Using_preference_observers
Lazarus.Pref.addObserver = function(prefId, func){
//split the prefId into branch and leaf
var pos = prefId.lastIndexOf(".");
if (pos == -1){
throw Error("Pref.addObserver() prefId must contain a '.' ["+ prefId +"]");
var leaf = prefId.substr(pos);
var branch = prefId.substr(0, pos);
var observer = {
register: function(){
var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
this._branch = prefService.getBranch(branch);
this._branch.addObserver("", this, false);
unregister: function(){
if (!this._branch) return;
this._branch.removeObserver("", this);
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){
if(aTopic != "nsPref:changed") return;
//TODO: add "getPref" and pass new preference to function?
if (aData == leaf){
window.addEventListener("unload", function(){
}, false);
return observer;
* forces Firefox to save the prefs file
Lazarus.Pref.savePrefFile = function(key, val){
var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
* return a preference
Lazarus.getPref = function(name, defaultVal){
try {
var branch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
switch (branch.getPrefType(name)){
case 32 : //string
return branch.getCharPref(name);
case 64 : //int
return branch.getIntPref(name);
case 128: //bool
return branch.getBoolPref(name);
if (typeof(defaultVal) !== "undefined"){
return defaultVal;
else {
throw Error("Lazarus: Unsupported preference datatype ["+ name +","+ branch.getPrefType(name) +"]");
* set a preference
Lazarus.setPref = function(name, val){
var branch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
switch (typeof(val)){
case "boolean":
branch.setBoolPref(name, val);
return true;
case "string":
branch.setCharPref(name, val);
return true;
case "number":
branch.setIntPref(name, val);
return true;
throw Error("Unable to save pref of type "+ typeof(val));
//increase a preference value by inc (default 1)
//return the new value
Lazarus.incPref = function(name, inc){
var newVal = Lazarus.getPref(name, 0) + (inc || 1);
Lazarus.setPref(name, newVal);
return newVal;
* delete a pref branch
Lazarus.killPref = function(name){
var branch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
* returns a preference from the "extensions.lazarus" branch
Lazarus.getExtPref = function(key, defaultVal){
return Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus."+ key, defaultVal);
* sets a preference in the "extensions.lazarus" branch
Lazarus.setExtPref = function(key, val){
return Lazarus.setPref("extensions.lazarus."+ key, val);
* return the current documents URL
Lazarus.currentURL = function(){
try {
return content.document.URL;
return '';
* resize a preference window to fit the content of it's largest pane
Lazarus.sizePrefWindowToContent = function(){
// Localize strings aren't used when the initial height is used to calculate the size of the context-box
// and preference window. The height is calculated correctly once the window is drawn, but the context-box
// and preference window heights are never updated.
var panes = document.getElementsByTagName('prefpane');
var diffX = 0;
var diffY = 0;
for (var i=0; i<panes.length; i++){
var pane = panes[i];
//we need to grab the boxObject of the container (XUL:vbox .content-box), not the pane itself (pane has padding which makes life difficult)
var contentBox = pane.boxObject.firstChild.boxObject;
//check to see if there are elements within the box that go beyond the boxes borders
for (var j=0; j<pane.childNodes.length; j++){
var child = pane.childNodes[j];
if (child.boxObject){
if ((child.boxObject.screenX + child.boxObject.width) > (contentBox.screenX + contentBox.width + diffX)){
diffX = (child.boxObject.screenX + child.boxObject.width) - (contentBox.screenX + contentBox.width)
if ((child.boxObject.screenY + child.boxObject.height) > (contentBox.screenY + contentBox.height + diffY)){
diffY = (child.boxObject.screenY + child.boxObject.height) - (contentBox.screenY + contentBox.height)
if (diffX > 0 || diffY > 0){
window.resizeTo(window.outerWidth + diffX, window.outerHeight + diffY);
* extract the key/value pairs from the query string of a url
Lazarus.getUrlQuery = function(url){
var uri = Lazarus.urlToURI(url);
var query = uri.path.replace(/^[^\?]*\?/, '').replace(/#.*$/, '');
//split the query string into key/value pairs
var pairs = (query.indexOf("&") > -1) ? query.split(/&/g) : query.split(/&/g);
//and then split each pair into its separate key/value
var values = {};
for(var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++){
var bits = pairs[i].split(/=/);
var key = decodeURIComponent(bits[0]);
var value = bits[1] ? decodeURIComponent(bits[1]) : '';
if (typeof values[key] === "undefined"){
values[key] = value;
else if (Lazarus.isArray(values[key])){
else {
//need to turn the previous value into an array of values
values[key] = new Array(values[key]);
//return the key requested, or all keys
return (arguments.length == 2) ? values[arguments[1]] : values;